The Power of Your Words

The Power of Your Words

Jun 21, 2022

We're living in a time where it is easy to hide behind a screen. Where it's easy for people to say whatever they want, because they don't feel the repercussions. But on the receiving and the person hearing it, reading it, seeing it they're feeling that shit! So if we can start to acknowledge just how powerful we are, just how important our words are, how different would things be?

On today's episode of Metaphysical Monday, I recap last week's experiment on rewiring our RAS - reticular activating system, and believing in the unseen. 

Remember, the RAS is located at the base of our brain stem and its job is to filter out all the data it receives and only send to your brain what it thinks is important.

Our experiments so far have been working on retraining our RAS and sending new information to our brain, so we see things that we wouldn’t ordinarily pay attention to.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out the last couple of week’s Metaphysical Mondays.

Related episodes:

How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Train Your RAS to see what's not there

This week we’re going to take it even further with two physical experiments!

This week we are actually going to grow some green beans and do an applied kinesiology based experiment. 

Kinesiology is a way to test our physical body using true false statements, for these particular statements.

Specifically the science of words. 

Have you heard of Dr. Masaru Emoto? He conducted a water experiment on over 10,000 samples of water to see how our words, our emotions affect water molecules. 

Why water? Because water is everywhere. It's in the air. We are comprised of over 70% water. So it seems logical to test it on water, to be able to see what's happening. 

He took over 10,000 samples and he tested to see how they responded to music, to prayers, to words, to blessings, to curses {curses being like all the negative stuff that we say, that we think people may say.}

The samples were spoken to in some way, and then samples were frozen and the tests, he would see how the different samples crystallized. So he froze them, sliced them, and then put them under a microscope. Google it too, so you can see the different photos and the different images of just what these molecules looked like.

It was really eye opening for me as a scientist and just as a curious human being and as a quantum Alchemist, I find it fascinating to see how all the different water samples looked. 

The water samples that were spoken to lovingly, kindly with gratitude, they were clear and the crystals looked beautiful under the microscope.

The samples that were belittled, insulted,  well, you can guess. Those crystals were dark and dense. And they had really ugly holes in them. They had blobby edges, nothing clear, nothing beautiful. They certainly didn’t resemble a beautiful snowflake. The exact opposite of a beautiful snowflake basically. 

One of the experiments they played Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis Presley. Those frozen crystals shattered. They split apart. That is how powerful our words and emotions are. 

He even went one step further. He experimented with water from the Fujiwara Lake, which at the beginning, those crystals were dark and amorphous. They had no shape. They were a big blob, basically.

He then took that water and he asked a priest to pray over it for one hour. Then they froze it, cut the crystal and put it under the microscope again. But now that same Fujiwara Lake blob, the amorphous crystal was now clear and bright white and it had a crystal within a crystal.

For our version of this experiment, we're going to grow green beans! You can do this with your kids. They can get messy with you and you can showcase to them, show them just how strong, how powerful their words are. It's great that you’re empowered. But what about the next generation? Imagine being young and knowing all of this stuff, how different would life have been? 

We're living in a time where it is easy to hide behind a screen. Where it's easy for people to say whatever they want, because they don't feel the repercussions. But on the receiving and the person hearing it, reading it, seeing it they're feeling that shit! So if we can start to acknowledge just how powerful we are, just how important our words are. How different can things be?

Experiment One

Our green bean experiment is taken from the book E Squared by Pam Grout. The basic premise is to plant green beans in the exact same conditions in an egg carton. To love and nurture the left side while not saying anything to the left side. What will happen?

Do this for 7 days and come back and tell me if the left side grew faster than the right side?

Speak life into the left side, everyday for 7 days and while completely ignoring the right side.

Things you can say:

  • You’re growing twice as fast
  • You’re so healthy
  • The green beans are going to be so yummy
  • You’re so awesome
  • You’re so beautiful

Experiment Two

Applied Kinesiology. We're going to do a quick hand strength test to see how our body reacts to our words. 

  • Touch our thumb and our middle finger together on both hands, and link them together.
  • Gently pull them apart. Pay attention to what that force feels like.


  • You're going to say your name because we want to see what our body's reaction is to a true statement and a false statement. 
  • Say I am [your name], same amount of force, your hands should stay together.
  •  Now, say something that isn’t true. I am Billy Bob Thornton. Use the same amount of force to pull apart. Your hands should come apart.

Did your hands stay together when you said your name or someone else’s name? Or did they come apart?

Do this experiment for the next 7 seven days with true or false statements. See what happens. Learn to experiment with your own energy, because it's real. 

What happens in the applied kinesiology testing? Do your hands stay together? Do they stay separate? 

For the skeptics and the non-believers and the believers. Have fun with it!

Come back and tell us how it goes.

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